Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dance Gap Year 12-Week Apprentice Program

12 Week Dance Apprentice Program Pizarts DGY Alumni 2021

Looking for 3 dance apprentice, ages 18-23 to participate in Dance Gap Year Fall 2022 which runs from September 10th - December 10th. The purpose of this project is to provide early stage professionals the opportunity to engage and create with Pizarts’ Artist Mentors over the course of 12 weeks. You will be designing an individualized creative portfolio, rehearsing for a public performance in Puerto Rico, and presenting a body of work on film that will be featured in New York City. Program includes travel, housing and a stipend in Puerto Rico (Dec 1-5, 2022). Info Session Tonight 7pm. For the session link and to apply go to

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TERRESTRIAL: The Sprout by Makini, March 13-15


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TERRESTRIAL: The Sprout by Makini, March 13-15

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