Monday, August 1, 2022

MALIEK Dance Theatre Season II Company Auditions

English MDT

Hello dancer, thank you for your interest in Maliek Dance Theater!

Applications will be accepted through end of day Friday August 27th, 2022.

All dancers that apply to audition are expected to be able to execute expertise in Modern, Contemporary, Afro contemporary, Ballet, Hip Hop, & free style dance forms. Dancers hired with MDT will receive monetary compensation (including incentives).

Maliek Dance Theater (MDT) works to nurture artistry and develop the Maliek aesthetic of finding newness through expressions in dance, storytelling, performance and education.

We are interested in the Maliek aesthetic of Finding Newness. For some that may ask about the Maliek aesthetic, it is a movement language and pedagogy developed by Nasir M.Campbell. It's all about what else the body can do, how can we search or discover a new way of moving, different shapes, understanding pleasure, letting go and bringing life to the movement, listening to our body, sensitive hands with gestures, connecting to the senses, applying force, experiencing freedom and possibilities to name a few. We are also interested in Bone Breakers.

Although no in-person audition is yet scheduled or required, please note that any future MDT Company in-person audition will adhere to COVID-19 precautionary measures (

MDT protects medical records under HIPAA (

Please address all questions and/or concerns to
The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form:

We look forward to reviewing your materials, and will be in contact with you no later then September 9,2022



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