Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Seeking Film Submissions: Garet&Co; Film Festival

Garet&Co; Film Festival Garet&Co;

The Garet&Co Film Festival is a celebration of contemporary dance on camera!

Garet&Co was founded after the success of one of Garet's dance films, and we now hope to share and uplift the work of our colleagues creating dance on camera! The Garet&Co Film Festival will be held in person on October 29th. The event will be streamed virtually as well.

Accepted films will receive an official Garet&Co Film Festival Official Selection laurel, a free ticket to the Garet&Co Film Festival, be highlighted in the Garet&Co Newsletter and on Garet&Co's social media, and have their film showcased in the Garet&Co Film Festival. 

This year, we are offering TWO cash awards! 
Judges Choice - $100 cash prize and laurel, to be voted on and selected by the judges
Audience Choice - $100 cash prize and laurel, to be voted on and selected by the audience 
*Please note that your film's acceptance into the festival does not guarantee a prize. 

1. Submitters must have the right to use all materials in their proposed film.
2. Proposed films must be between 2 and 12 minutes in length.
3. Should your film, be accepted, the submitter must send follow up materials by deadline provided, including a downloadable file of the accepted film. Should the accepted submitter not send any materials requested, it is at Garet&Co's discretion whether the film will still be included in the festival. 
4. All submitters must submit a $20 application fee to Garet&Co via either Venmo (@garet-wierdsma) or PayPal (garetwierdsma@gmail.com). The application will not be considered without this fee. 

We look forward to seeing your work and sharing in the joy of dance through the camera lens!

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