Thursday, November 2, 2023

Work with and Perform for Kids (seeking all styles)

selfie of group of new yorkers having a picnic in prospect park Nobuya Nagahama

Dancify That! (a theatrical dance game show) is seeking dancers of all styles for educational programs and school assembly shows. We're building an education branch of the project that will be based on movement and SEL (social emotional learning/literacy). We will look at how movement embodies emotions, tells stories, and shares ideas. We are seeking dancers of all styles who like to have fun with dance. You can expect to teach some technique, but our emphasis is on self-expression, community building and fun. 
The pay rate is low, but will be increasing and as we grow, preference will be given to dancers who were willing to jump on here in the beginning.

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban

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