Friday, April 24, 2020
The Quarantine Room
Company: T2 Dance Company
Location: Boulder, co
Compensation: Audience Favorite wins $50 cash

Versatility Dance Festival VIRTUAL presents four days of amazing dance free to watch and all online! The festival runs June 4–7, 2020.
The Quarantine Room is a section of the festival dedicated to no-or-low production cost <1minute dance videos that are created during and/or about our time in quarantine for COVID-19.
Submit your quarantine dance video here.
Videos will be launched on and featured on Facebook and Instagram along with artist talks.
Award: Audience Favorite (voting on will win $50 cash AND will be featured on the T2 Dance Company website and social media.
T2 Dance Company
PO BOX 18182
Boulder, co, 80308
For more information:
Erin Tunbridge