NYSCA Budget Restoration News

Thursday, August 5, 2010

NYSCA Budget Restoration News


State Budget Done
$10 million of $16.5 million cut
restored to NYSCA

Great News: The State Arts Council received a RESTORATION of $10 MILLION, reducing the Governor's proposed 40% cut to 15% in this budget. The restoration was included in the Education Bill which was passed by the Legislature several weeks ago, bringing the NYSCA local assistance budget to $35.1 million.

You may recall that the budget was passed in pieces, and often through the extender bills that allow the government to function in the absence of a budget. The completed budget passed last night, making it one of the latest state budgets in history. ...125 days late. The budget is projected to be $136.5 billion.....a spending increase of 2.4% over the previous year.

This was one of the most contentious budget negotiations in years. The Governor's Gap Closing Plan increased his own Executive budget cut to the arts from 15% to 40%, another $10 million on top of the $6.5 million he initially proposed. But in the negotiations in the Education Bill, the legislature ignored the Governor's Gap Closing cut of $10 million and added another $1.613 million. The "add" was soon vetoed by the Governor, but he could not legally veto his own Executive Budget proposal.

Hence a NYSCA local assistance budget of $35.1 million for 2010-11.

This is a good time to thank your legislators for their support of the NYSCA budget. Given the severe cuts around the State, NYSCA fared very well in this budget negotiation.

We are proud of the power of our grass roots campaign to help protect government support of the arts.

Judith K. Weiner
Executive Director

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