Opportunity to Receive Capacity Building Grant

Monday, August 9, 2010

Opportunity to Receive Capacity Building Grant

Are you a performing arts organization in the New York City area?

The Taproot Foundation in partnership with MetLife Foundation, our Lead Service Grant Sponsor for the Arts in 2010-2011, announces the opportunity for high-potential performing arts organizations to receive capacity building grants.

The Taproot Foundation is a nonprofit foundation that makes business talent available to organizations working to improve society. Unlike traditional foundations, Taproot makes grants of professional consulting services, called Service Grants. Our Service Grant catalog http://www.taprootfoundation.org/getprobono/catalog/ includes tools and services for Leadership Development and Strategic HR, strategy management, marketing and IT.

Performing arts nonprofits in the New York City area are encouraged to apply for our upcoming September 2010 grant round. Applications are now being accepted for our September 1 deadline. The Taproot Foundation has quarterly grant rounds September 1, December 1, March 1 and June 1.

Please evaluate our basic application criteria and eligibility prior to applying. We invite you to visit our website at http://www.taprootfoundation.org/getprobono/ to check out a full catalog of Service Grants. The application is completed online and can often be finished in a couple of hours.
If you have further questions about your organization’s eligibility or the Service Grant process, please contact Allie Hallock at 212.522.1073 or at allie@taprootfoundation.org.

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