Advocacy Alert: Contact Congress Regarding COVID-19 Relief for the Arts

Friday, March 20, 2020

Advocacy Alert: Contact Congress Regarding COVID-19 Relief for the Arts


The Coronavirus has already had a devastating economic impact on America’s arts and culture sector—some reports indicate that financial losses to date are estimated to be $3.2 billion. Dance companies and other arts organizations have responded to calls from health and elected officials and have canceled performances across the country. Freelance artists and independent workers who support the arts sector have seen the overnight suspension of their livelihood. 

Congress is moving swiftly on a massive COVID-19 relief bill. Stakeholders in the dance community across the country need to speak up. And if you are among the very many advocates who have weighed in already, we thank you and ask you to contact Congress again.
In unison with national arts and culture organizations, Dance/NYC is joining Dance/USA who has identified critical areas of federal assistance that need to be included in this third relief package. We urge everyone the dance field to ask their federal elected officials for the following:

- Support multiple forms of enhanced incentives for charitable giving that supports the full breadth of the charitable sector, including an above-the-line tax deduction available to all taxpayers, whether they itemize returns or not.
- Support dedicated COVID-19 relief funding for the arts sector, administered by the National Endowment for the Arts, and full access to other forms of direct COVID-19 relief provided to the nonprofit sector.
- Activate nationwide Disaster Unemployment Assistance for workers, including self-employed individuals and independent contractors who are sick, quarantined, furloughed, laid off, or whose individual or family circumstances have changed as a result of COVID-19 or government containment efforts. Very many dance artists and arts workers may not otherwise have access to state unemployment benefits. 
- Streamline the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance program and provide loan forgiveness options.

Whether you’ve already communicated with Congress or not, this is another important time to speak up and be heard.

Dance/USA has endorsed the following letters to Congress:

- Arts and COVID-19 Statement to Congress
- Charitable Giving Coalition Statement
- Nonprofit COVID-19 Relief Statement

Contact Congress Here Today!

Thank you for your ongoing advocacy on behalf of the dance field!

Thanks to everyone for your continued advocacy! Dance/NYC, together with Dance/USA, urges the dance community to continue communicating with Congress.
Stay updated with resources and information here!

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