Advocacy Alert: Unemployment Insurance to Cover Freelancers and Gigworkers

Monday, March 23, 2020

Advocacy Alert: Unemployment Insurance to Cover Freelancers and Gigworkers


Dance/NYC is joining The Freelancers Union to spread the word: New York Senator Chuck Schumer is pushing for a package that increases and expands Unemployment Insurance to cover Freelancers and Gigworkers. 

Contact your representatives now to urge their support! Find out who your representative is here.

Here is a sample script for you to use:

Dear [name],

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health and livelihood of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and freelancers face a disproportionate risk of financial hardship. Yet, we have not heard a clear plan from lawmakers on a relief plan for this vital workforce. 

Unlike traditional employees, freelancers are excluded from receiving paid leave and unemployment insurance, and shoulder the cost of their own health and disability insurance. Without a concerted effort to extend relief to these workers, the economic impact of COVID-19 on independent workers will be nothing less than devastating.

As a member of the Freelancers Union, I demand that you implement measures to include independent workers in all paid sick leave, family leave, and emergency unemployment packages that are passed to relieve economic hardship during this crisis.

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