Saturday, April 16, 2011

Participate in FIGMENT 2011!

FIGMENT, a free creative culture and interactive arts event held every year on Governors Island in New York Harbor is looking for dancers, choreographers and performers to participate in the 2011 weekend, June 10-12.

We are looking for artists in every discipline imaginable: sculptures, collectives, multimedia projects and other visually based formats; stationary, roving or multimedia dance, music, theater, interactive workshops or activities, performance art, social experiments – as long as your art is interactive, and invites the public to participate, you are welcome to participate! 

Visit our website ( to read more, or go directly to our submissions page to submit your project deadline is May 1.

We hope to see you in June!
Founded in 2007 on New York City’s Governors Island, what began as a few thousand enthusiasts enjoying a handful of participatory art projects on a sunny July afternoon has ballooned into a multi-day, multi-city event that drew over 30,000 participants in NYC and Boston in 2010. In 2011, FIGMENT seeks to continue its mission to offer free, inclusive and participatory art, and an explosion of creative culture, to our entire community, removing the barriers of museum and gallery walls and entrance fees and blurring the lines between those who create and those who enjoy art. 

FIGMENT’s vision for art looks past the white-walled galleries and into the realm of participation. Art is not just something that you stand still and quietly look at–it is something you participate in. You touch it, smell it, climb it, write on it, talk to it, dance with it, play with it, learn from it. FIGMENT is uninterrupted by commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertising. At FIGMENT, nobody sells or advertises goods or services. Neither our artists nor our planners and staff are paid: everything that you see at FIGMENT is born from a simple desire to share imagination with each other and the public.

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban

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