Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gibney Dance Seeks - Development and Executive Interns


Gibney Dance is a multi-faceted organization comprised of an acclaimed Dance Company, thriving Community Action programs, and the newly expanded Gibney Dance Center. The Development Intern will work closely with the Development Manager, Courtney Harge, a Development Associate and an additional Development Intern in support of the Gibney Dance Benefit and other fundraising activities. The Executive Intern will work closely with Director Gina Gibney, and the rest of the Management Staff, in support of the overall operation of Gibney Dance and its ongoing programs.

Skills required include: communication and writing, time- and project-management, problem-solving, and customer-service.


The Development Intern’s primary responsibilities include:

The Executive Intern’s primary responsibilities include:

Assist the Director and Development Manager in all aspects of fundraising

Manage and facilitate Director Gina Gibney’s schedule, meetings, and contacts

Assist with all fundraising events, including the annual benefit (May 10, 2012)

Compose copy for correspondence to Board Members, Funders, Constituents, and Stakeholders

Assist in the development of written content, grant proposals, and correspondence

Provide Administrative Support to the Director, Operations Manager, and Development Manager

Prepare select grant proposals and interim/final reports including all supplementary materials

Support and Facilitate Gibney Dance Center’s ongoing Signature Programming

Assist with data entry and maintenance of donor database

Other administrative duties as needed

Write and Send Acknowledgement letters in a timely fashion

Facilitate in-kind donations, particularly in support of the annual benefit

Other administrative duties as needed


Recent college graduate or currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree

Proficiency with Microsoft Office and Databases

Relentless attention to detail

Entrepreneurial curiosity

Excellent interpersonal skills and written skills

A passion for administrative innovation

A deep appreciation for the art of dance and the creative process

The ability to work independently and as part of a team

Both positions are flexible within 16-20 hours per week. There is no compensation, however interns receive access to free GDC classes and free Early Bird (8-10am) rehearsal space for the duration of the internship. Moreover, Gibney Dance Center is able to provide valuable, hands-on experience in non-profit administration, programming, and development.


Gibney Dance is a pioneering dance company that blends artistic excellence and community action. Gibney

Dance has established a stunning company of dancers, highly regarded community action programs and a thriving creative center at 890 Broadway. Learn more about us at

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