Monday, July 16, 2012

Gibney Dance seeks Operations Intern



Gibney Dance is a multi-faceted organization comprised of an acclaimed Dance Company, thriving Community Action programs, and the newly expanded Gibney Dance Center. The Operations Intern will work closely with Operations Manager Michele Wilson, Operations Assistant Allie Pfeffer and other staff to assist in the daily operations of Gibney Dance Center and its many ongoing programs. This position requires excellent customer service skills and the ability to troubleshoot quickly under pressure.


The Operations Intern will:

- Assist in the daily management and operations of a fast-paced dance center

- Assist in the coordination and execution of GDC events and signature programs including Sorry I Missed Your Show, Guess Who’s In The Green Room, One-Shot, boo-koo and DiP Residencies, Center Line, and Show/Share

- Maintain GDC’s high standards of cleanliness and order in the studios and common areas

- Maintain studio inventory supplies

- Be well versed in GDC rental policies and able to communicate these clearly and articulately


Ability to lift 50 pounds and be comfortable on a ladder

Relentless attention to detail

Ability to concurrently work on multiple projects while being interrupted to assist renters

Excellent interpersonal skills

A passion for administrative innovation

A deep appreciation for the art of dance and the creative process

The ability to work independently and as part of a team

The Operations Intern is a 16-20 hour per week position and includes a small monthly stipend. It also provides access to free GDC classes and free Early Bird (8-10am) rehearsal space for the duration of the internship and will provide valuable credential and hands-on experience with non-profit administration.


Gibney Dance is a pioneering dance company that blends artistic excellence and community action. GibneyDance has established a stunning company of dancers, highly regarded community action programs and a thriving creative center at 890 Broadway. Our vision is to be a trailblazing force in the community, tapping into the vast potential of movement, creativity and performance to effect social change and personal transformation. Gibney Dance’s vision is expressed through three fields of action:


As an artistic leader — Gibney Dance creates and performs compelling, humanistic contemporary dance works.


At the newly expanded Gibney Dance Center — Gibney Dance is “making space for the future of dance.” With a gorgeous new 7-studio facility and groundbreaking programming, Gibney Dance Center supports creativity, fosters engagement and encourages artistic exchange.


Through our community action projects — Gibney Dance brings the possibility of movement and self expression where it would otherwise not exist.

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A photo of dancers lifting another up in the air in a studio of a Summer MELT workshop. There is a standing lamp off to one corner as the lifted dancer reaches up in the air. Photo by Rachel Keane.


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