Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Telsey + Co, bloc, CESD & more ALL IN ONE DAY!!
Stage Door Connections is excited to announce the Casting Director and Talent Agency Dance Connection event with 6 of the biggest Casting Directors and Talent Agents in New York City.
Come spend the day with:
Casting Directors:
Patrick Goodwin (Telsey + Co)
Lindsay Levine (Tara Rubin Casting)
Adam Caldwell (Cindy Tolan Casting)
Talent Agents:
Lakey Wolff (CESD Talent Agency)
Jim Daly (BLOC Agency)
Chad Pisetsky (Henderson Hogan Talent Agency)
Broadway Choreographers:
JoAnn Hunter
Chris Bailey
They will be joining SDC for you to have an opportunity to connect with these industry professionals ALL IN ONE DAY!
Each of these professionals have a wealth of knowledge and experience and are excited to share their opinions when it comes to casting. Take this opportunity to hear feedback in a non-audition environment. If you have auditioned for these Casting Directors and Agents before, this is a great way to reconnect with them and if you are new to the city, this is an amazing event to introduce yourself! This event is something every dancer should experience.
The day will be broken down into two sessions.
Session 1
10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Jim Daly (BLOC Agency)
Chad Pisetsky (Henderson Hogan Talent Agency)
Lindsay Levine (Tara Rubin Casting)
Choreographer: JoAnn Hunter
12:30-1:15 PM - Break for Lunch
1:15-2:00 PM - Professional Development Seminar…and to digest your lunch ;)
Session 2
2:00-4:00 PM
Lakey Wolff (CESD Talent Agency)
Patrick Goodwin (Telsey + Co)
Adam Caldwell (Cindy Tolan Casting)
Choreographer: Chris Bailey
4:00-4:30 PM Wrap Up!!
Many of these Talent Agents are actively seeking new talent, so don't miss this chance to possibly be signed by one of them.
*Please bring 8 Head Shots and 8 Resumes to the event. You should be dressed as you would for a Dance Audition.
*There will be no singing at this event.
Stage Door Connections is thrilled to continually help dancers further their careers. This is the best way to learn what you need to work on for upcoming auditions and to connect with this caliber of Casting Directors and Talent Agents.
For more information and to register for this event visit our website www.stagedoorconnections.com
Stage Door Connections, Inc.
483 Tenth Ave Suite 200
New York, NY, 10018
For more information:
Elizabeth Dugas