Monday, August 15, 2016

Mullet Mob Dance Casting for US OPEN

Mullet Mob Dance Casting for US OPEN

This is an OPEN CALL in NYC for Dancers of all styles - for US OPEN & LaVazza Coffee sponsored Andre Agassi Event.

We are looking for 20 Athletic bodies, who can move- Professional dancers, in all styles, for a series of site-specific flashmob-style performances at The Highline Park, Columbus Circle, and with Andre Agassi (famous tennis pro) at The Arthur Ashe Stadium hosting the US OPEN.

Casting Date: Friday, August 19th 2016

PERFORMANCE DATE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2016 - (must be available from at least 9am-12pm on day of event.)

Commitment: 2 rehearsals (1 week prior to event) and a costume pick-up/orientation on Sunday, August 28th.

Compensation: Ranges $100-$800 including rehearsal fee 

Location: Manhattan - Exact location disclosed in email confirmation, after applying.

Prepare: Please arrive in sports attire, with sneakers. Be prepared to improvise for a max of 15-30 secs and execute simple choreography in a group call. 

To Apply: Please fill out the Google Form - Name/Email/Session -

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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