Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Open Company Classes/Rehearsals with The Nash Conspiracy
Company: Rosie DeAngelo/The Nash Conspiracy
Compensation: potentially $7/hr for rehearsal and $50-100 for performance
UPDATE: open rehearsals will begin March 2019, on select Thursdays following class (12-3p). We will be inviting dancers to take part in the creative process for our current work, "Origins." If you are interested in participating and being considered for a company position, please include your contact information when signing in for class.
The Nash Conspiracy is hosting weekly open classes on Thursdays, 10-1130am, at 100 Grand SoHo. Classes are taught by artistic director Rosie DeAngelo, and include conditioning, improvisation, phrasework and partnering. Cost is $12. Pay by cash or venmo before class.
Rosie will be using company classes as a way to engage with the dance community in a setting more intimate than an audition. Class attendees will be considered for upcoming open rehearsal opportunities, where select dancers will be asked to participate in rehearsal with the company following class. Those invited to rehearsal will be considered for a paid company position for 2019.
No need to bring headshot or resume! :)
Please follow us on instagram at @thenashconspiracy and Rosie at @rooosiee for clips of rehearsals/phrasework, and to stay up to date on upcoming performances.
Rosie DeAngelo/The Nash Conspiracy
For more information:
Rosie DeAngelo