Friday, June 28, 2019
Summer Work/Study Studio Cleaner Wanted
Company: Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana
Location: New York, NY
Compensation: Studio time or classes
WANTED: Studio Cleaner for very busy percussive dance studio in the heart of Manhattan.
Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana is seeking a studio cleaner to participate in its work-study program on Monday evenings (9–11p) or Tuesday mornings (7:30-9:30a) in July and August with a possible extension.
Studio cleaners do a 1:1 exchange of cleaning hours for free studio time. Studio hours must be used by December 2019 for rehearsals (not to hold public classes) and reserved during off-peak hours (M–F 9a–5p, Sat/Sun before 10a or after 6p). If desired, hours can be saved up and exchanged for Flamenco Vivo classes in the fall. If interested, please contact the Studio Manager at or (212) 736-4499.
Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana
4 W 43rd Street
New York, NY, 10036
For more information:
Janel, Studio Manager