Saturday, March 8, 2025

Final Call! BLOOM Choreographer Applications Extended – 3 More Days!

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BLOOM: Emerging Artist Festival

“Everyone I met was really inspiring and it was a great opportunity to make connections with new choreographers and dancers.  I felt really supported and clear about what I needed to provide and when, and it made it easy to focus on creating.”
- Testimonial from last years BLOOM choreographer.

Exciting news! We’re extending the deadline for BLOOM: Emerging Artist Festival applications for three more days! If you missed the chance to apply, now is the time to submit your work and be part of this vibrant celebration of emerging choreography.

Join us April 18-19 at Brooklyn Art Haus for a weekend of performance, community, and creative exchange. BLOOM offers choreographers the opportunity to present their work, teach, receive feedback, and connect with fellow artists.

Why apply?
- Perform for up to 90 audience members in a professionally produced show
- Free admission to movement classes and Community Connect Sessions
- Livestream documentation of your work
- Network with the Forza Dance community and other emerging artists

We’re looking for live movement works up to 10 minutes in length, created by artists aged around 18-35, with a cast size that fits a more intimate space and to be performed in the round. If you’re an emerging choreographer looking for a platform to share your vision, don’t miss this final chance to apply!

Application form HERE. Apply by 11:59pm March 12th.

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