Saturday, August 3, 2019
Celebrate Caribbean Culture at Brooklyn Museum's First Saturday 8/3
Company: Charnice Charmant and Afrobeat dancers
Venue: Brooklyn Museum
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Courtesy of the artist
Get ready to sweat with Haitian choreographer and dance instructor Charnice Charmant(see photo) and Afrobeat dancers. Workshop followed by a short performance. Open to all ages and experience levels.
August's First Saturday will celebrate the artistry and vitalityof the Caribbean diaspora. There will be music, dance, lectures, film, hands-on-art, and much more! The evening is free. 5-11pm.
Charnice Charmant and Afrobeat dancers
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY, 11238
August 3, 2019: 5:00pm