February 26 - April 1, 2016

Embodied Vocal Practice with Tatyana Tenenbaum

Embodied Vocal Practice with Tatyana Tenenbaum Alex Escalante

An open-level class facilitated by Tatyana Tenenbaum, Laurel Snyder, Emily Moore, Marisa Clementi, Ashely Handel and Li Cata.

In this work we use our proprioceptive awareness to access our voices.  How do the mechanisms of the voice function as part of a larger muscular-skeletal form?  Through a series of intertwining exercises and methodologies we will investigate aspects of vocalization that include pitch, timbre and phonemic resonance, as felt experiences .  We will apply this knowledge to small, interactive scores that allow us to harness musical relationships through a largely abstract lens.   The goal of this work is to find more mobility, dimensionality and kinetic potential for the singing body. This investigation is rooted in physical practice. No experience with the voice is required.

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