Thursday, April 4, 2019

Experiment in Bushwick

Experiment in Bushwick at Starr Bar Effy Grey

Witness the first installment of Dance in Bushwick's works-in-progess series, Experiment in Bushwick. Our aim is to give time, space, and an audience of peers to review and agitate notions of our work. We want to challenge our Bushwick contemporaries to make and show movement they have not yet put upon the world, or maybe just try something new and fun that looks neat. Starr Bar hosts us in their back space. $5 cover for the space and the artists. Come thirsty for excellent drinks. We look forward to seeing what is created!

Performances by Emily Jo Haenny-Searcy, Kareem Woods, Teddy Tedholm, Zaybra Zay, and Steven Upegui. 

Are you a Bushwick-based dancer? Want to participate? Reach out to us through DM @danceinbushwick about being added to future line-ups!

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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