January 27 - March 2, 2016
Hip Hop Dance Class
Hello! I am searching for a Hip-Hop instructor to lead tonights dance class at 7pm @ our studio called La Luza??. www.Facebook.com/LaLuzNYC Located off the L train Morgan or Jefferson Stop. Pay is 50% of class total and 2 hours rehearsal time in our studio. Join our team!
We are searching for some Hip-Hop teachers that we can book on a once/twice a month schedule for our weekly hip hop classes. It will be Weds 7-8:15pm in Bushwick off the L train Morgan Ave Stop.
Also weekly we have rotating teachers to give students a variety of flavors and instruction, and ALSO to give teachers the freedom of not having to commit every week for months at a time. Payment is rehearsal space trade (normally $25/hr) and 50% of class turnout.
LaLuzNYC.com for more info! or Facebok.com/LaLuzNYC
La Luz Dance Studio
135 Thames St.
Brooklyn, NY, 11237
December 31, 1969: 7:00pm