March, 5-7, 2020

I’m annoyed when the only size is everyone

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Senior Jhor van der Horst invites audiences to experience a three-hour improvised dance work, presented in the round, which seeks to complicate the relationship between performers’ embodied experience and audiences’ practiced readership, with audiences encouraged to move between the “performance space” and a “supplementary space,” which includes a library with dozens of texts and practices from which the work is constructed. 

Free and open to the public, with advance tickets recommended available through University Ticketing.

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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.


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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.

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