Saturday, June 22, 2019 - Monday, June 1, 2020

LIMS® Certification Program in Laban Movement Studies

dancers understanding ribcage

Become a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA)!

If you have ever considered becoming a CMA, or wish to continue your CMA journey, take this time to plan your next move! LIMS is offering Modules I, II or III in New York City during the summer of 2020!

Module I : 6/1 – 6/17, 2020 (6/6 & 6/13 off)

Application Deadline: March 15, 2020

Earlybird applications submitted by January 15th will get a discount of $100.

Module II : 6/22 – 7/8, 2020 (6/27 & 7/4 off)

Registration Deadline:  March 15, 2020

Module III : 6/1 – 6/17, 2020 (6/6 & 6/13 off)

Registration Deadline:  March 15, 2020

And remember, in order to join Module I you must fulfill the prerequisite requirements in BF, LMA and A&K before June 1st. Get a $100 discount when you take all three!
Hope to hear from you soon!


A CMA is a skilled movement professional trained and certified by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS®). A CMA has a highly refined understanding of the patterns of movement through the LMA lenses of Body, Effort, Shape and Space.

As a Movement Specialist, a CMA uses his/her comprehensive knowledge to identify movement patterns, convey the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of any human movement, and prepare people in numerous fields for active participation in the world.

A CMA uses the Laban/Bartenieff System as a framework for structural, spatial, rhythmic, shape and dynamic components in human movement observation, synthesis, and analysis. From an LMA/BF perspective, a CMA possesses an acute understanding of a specific movement event and its complexity and context. A CMA:

Appreciates the functional and expressive aspects of human movement and perceives the interpretive/subjective processes that take place through movement.
Understands and appreciates an individual’s movement pat
terns and relates to and works with that in mind.
Refines and expands one’s movement repertoire by deepening movement awareness and understanding, and by providing the experience of a global range of movement within diverse environments.
Assesses human movement within an individual, group, cultural, situational and environmental contexts.
Has an understanding of their own and others’ movement style within a variety of contexts, including social interaction.
Has the knowledge and ability to verbally articulate and physically demonstrate the LMA concepts of Body, Effort, Shape, and Space from both broad and discrete perspectives.
Is able to verbally articulate and physically demonstrate the basic principles of Bartenieff Fundamentals, along with their theoretical and practical relationship to LMA.
Has the ability to develop and apply theory in practice in diverse fields.
Has training in observing, recording and interpreting movement data using Motif, phrase writing, and recording from digital and live observation.

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