August, 24-26, 2017
Somehow We End Up Here, Again
Company: Brick by Brick Dance | Georgina Bates
Venue: HERE - Mainstage Theatre
Location: New York , NY
Brick by Brick Dance | Georgina Bates
August 24, 25, 26 | 8:30pm
HERE - Mainstage Theatre
Art meets journalism to create a compelling evening-length suite of mixed-media dance theater illustrating voices of the unheard -- a moving exploration of life under the radar and what it means to be "home."
Concept & Direction by Georgina Bates
Media Collaborators: Diana Diroy, Jihii Jolly
Choreography: Georgina Bates, in collaboration with dancers
Dancers: Rohan Bhargava, Bonnie Bushnell, Kristi Cole, Nimisha Mahiyaria, Alexandra Montalbano, Kendra Samson, Hala Shah
Lighting/Techincal Designer: Giovanni Villari
Stage Manager: Shannon Lyver
Music: The Jews of Malta
(video: Jihii Jolly, Georgina Bates, Music: The Jews of Malta)
$15 Tickets: or call 212.352.3101
HERE – Mainstage Theatre
145 Sixth Ave. (enter on Dominick Street one block south of Spring
Directions: C/E to Spring St.; 1 to Houston St.; N/R to Prince St.
This production is a part of SubletSeries@HERE: Co-op, HERE's curated summer rental program, which provides artists with subsidized space and equipment, as well as technical support.
Brick by Brick Dance | Georgina Bates
145 Sixth Ave. (enter on Dominick Street one block south of Spring)
New York , NY, 10013
August 24, 2017: 8:30pm
August 25, 2017: 8:30pm
August 26, 2017: 8:30pm