March, 12-14, 2021

Spring Forward | Weekend Workshop for Teens

A teenage dancer, one hand on the barre, the other reaching diagonally upwards Robb Kunkle/Good Lux Photography

This virtual workshop is designed to nourish the technical and artistic brilliance of intermediate and advanced teens ages 11-17. Students will be encouraged to expand their comfort zones through classes with Alonzo King and a powerful line-up of former LINES Ballet dancers and current faculty.

Participants may choose to use this workshop as their audition for the 2021 Summer Program. Daily drop-ins are permitted. Students can be considered for our Summer Program regardless of the number of days they attend in the workshop.

Faculty: Alonzo King, Babatunji Johnson, Brett Conway, Roseann Baker, Caroline Rocher, Erik Wagner, Courtney Henry, Keelan Whitmore, Christian Burns, Molly Rogers and Maurya Kerr

Schedule: March 12-14, 2021
Friday, 3-6pm PST 
Saturday, 10am-4pm PST
Sunday, 10am-4pm PDT*

*Please note that Daylight Savings Time begins on March 14, 2021. Don’t forget to spring your clocks forward!



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