DNA Update and How You Can Help

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

DNA Update and How You Can Help

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
We Danced in the Rain
Thank You
It's Making a Difference

Dear DNA Community,

Thank you, we are being heard and it's making a difference. Hundreds of you came out in the
pouring rain yesterday, dancing and chanting in front of City Hall. Check out some of the press
coverage of yesterday's rally. There are also links on our website and on Facebook.
In addition, several thousand of you have signed our statement of support, sending a clear
message to the city and our landlord that DNA is an important organization, and we need to stay
in Lower Manhattan.

Yesterday, we had a successful meeting with our landlord Fram Realty, and elected officials
Senator Daniel Squadron, Assembly Member Deborah Glick, Council Member Margaret Chin,
Congressman Jerrold Nadler's representative, and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer's
representative. As a result of the cooperative and positive meeting, we are pleased to say the
landlord has agreed to postpone eviction proceedings until August 26th. More importantly,
negotiations regarding new, mutually agreeable lease terms are soon to be underway.
However, there is no guarantee that the landlord's offer will alone be enough to alleviate DNA's
current crisis. For example, DNA continues to seek non-profit tax status with regard to our current
home. Therefore, we must continue to work with the city and our constituencies for additional

We are encouraged by the progress but the fight is far from over. We have come this far
because of the strength of our community. We can prevail and be here for the next 25 years, but
to do that it is up to all of us. Now is the time to increase the pressure. See below for the three
ways you can make a difference. We can't stop now.

Catherine Peila
Executive Director

How you Can Help Right Now

• We have created a special website called DNA Needs You. Please make a donation
today and pass the link along to your friends. Every donation is essential to help us fund
the fight.

• Send an email to your City Council member - (click here to find out who your Council
Member is.) If you live in Council Member Margaret Chin's district please send her
message thanking her for supporting DNA.

Here is a suggested message but using your own word will mean even more.

Dear Council Member __________

I am a dancer and Dance New Amsterdam (DNA) is an important dance center in Lower
Manhattan at 280 Broadway. They are currently working with their landlord to negotiate a new
lease in order to avoid eviction. However, this may not be enough. Since DNA is a non-profit in a
City-owned building, I understand that there may be multiple solutions, one of which is working
with the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for a non-profit tax abatement.
Please join Council Member Margaret Chin and Council Speaker Christine Quinn State Senator
Daniel Squadron and State Assembly Member Deborah Glick in supporting DNA and request that
all parties work together to ensure that this wonderful cultural organization is here to stay.


• Send an email to Mayor Bloomberg

Dear Mayor Bloomberg,

I am a dancer and Dance New Amsterdam (DNA) is an important dance center in Lower
Manhattan at 280 Broadway. They are currently working with their landlord to negotiate a new
lease in order to avoid eviction. However, this may not be enough. Since DNA is a non-profit in a
City-owned building, I understand that there may be multiple solutions, one of which is working
with the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for a non-profit tax abatement.
Please join Council Member Margaret Chin and Council Speaker Christine Quinn State Senator
Daniel Squadron and State Assembly Member Deborah Glick in supporting DNA and request that
all parties work together to ensure that this wonderful cultural organization is here to stay.


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