Junior Committee

Monday, April 4, 2011



Here's the skinny and if you'd like to help in any way, e-mail jcommresearch@dancenyc.org and let us know!

JComm’s Benn Rasmussen and Julia Kelly yammer about yaks, guerrillas, and our major research initiative—a Dance Workforce Census—with Tim Cynova and Sydney Skybetter of SkyNova:15.


Are you ready to be counted?  Subscribe to the JComm E-Monthly or friend us on Facebook so we can keep you posted.  JComm's Dance Workforce Census will launch at the top of May.  That's after you've filed your taxes, so being counted will take you all of 10 minutes.  In fact, Lori B. took a beta version in under 7.

Read all about this project HERE. Anyone in the field can get involved-- there are all sorts of ways to help.  If you're interested, please email Julia Kelly, External Relations Manager, at jcommresearch@dancenyc.org.

AND below find some illuminating stuff we've been reading, sharing, and discussing as we develop this research initiative.  CORRECTION: the insight about guerrillas and institutions at the episode's closing was not from the CATT letter, but rather Dance/NYC's study:

“Dance is a field with more guerillas than institutions.”
-"A Census of New York City Dancemakers," a Dance/NYC-commissioned study, May 2007

“…if the cultural field is to communicate its unique and essential influence on the City's growth and quality of life, then we must have the vision and courage to join forces as a sector and develop methodologies that quantify this influence.”
-Kate D. Levin, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, "The Economic Activity of Dance in New York City," a Dance/NYC- commissioned study, March 2004

“By undervaluing the artists and their product, we are all - artists, presenters, and funders - tacitly creating an ecosystem that has as its foundation labor paid for by unrecognized sources from outside of the 'Arts Sector'."
-The Collective Arts Think Tank, "Follow-up Letter to the Field: Small Steps and Current Issues," March 2011

"Overall, the challenging environment persists, but the artists and the facilities that provide their workspace needs are showing great resiliency."
-NYC Performing Arts Spaces, "2010 Economic Impact Survey"

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