Junior Committee

Monday, July 2, 2018

A Look Back: JComm 2017-2018


As the 2017-2018 Junior Committee comes to a close, we would like to take a moment to look back on the past year in JComm:

  • JComm participated in a group anti-racism and anti-oppression workshop with Race Forward, with follow-up discussions on how we facilitate diversity, equity, and inclusion in the dance field.
  • We hosted a panel at the Dance/NYC Symposium about the regulation of Nightlife, Social Dance, and the Underground. Our Symposium subcommittee followed this event with attendance at an NYC Artist Coalition meeting and a letter to the new Office of Nightlife.
  • We hosted a Long Table conversation on “Labor of Love,” in which our invited core participants and attendees discussed how place monetary and social value on labor in the dance field.
  • Led by individual JComm members, the group participated in critical conversations about dance writing and approaches to problem-solving, as well as a professional development session on reading a nonprofit’s publicly available tax forms.
  • JComm’s Ten-Year Anniversary marked the launch of our Alumni Mentorship Program, connecting current JComm members with alumni in the field.
  • We hosted two social gatherings for JComm members and alumni.

Finally, the outgoing committee has been in the process of selecting next year’s group, reviewing applications and interviewing potential new members. We are now excited to announce the members of the 2018-2019 Junior Committee:

Brittany Wilson
Camille Moten
Danielle Iwata
Kelsey Kramer
Kimberleigh Costanzo
Lauren Wingenroth
Lindsey Silvera
Loren Sass
Lydia Lee
Nadia Khayrallah
Nora Alami
Rebecca Fitton
Ryan Rockmore
Susana Toro
Will Noling

We’re excited to see what creations, discussions, connections, and learning moments our new committee has in store!


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