Junior Committee

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thank you for participating in our research.


Hello, Dance Community:

Thank you.  Over a thousand Dance/NYC constituents in the Junior Committee's peer group (ages 21-35) have answered our call to action: to be counted. Others of you have spread the word for us. You have inspired us with your messages of encouragement. You have re-energized us with your enthusiasm for this research. You have emailed, tweeted, posted, and discussed. You have volunteered your valuable time. You've walked up to strangers to talk about it. Thank you.

Update. In May, JComm concluded phase one— four weeks of inspiring work— on its first major research initiative: a "Dance Workforce Census: Earnings Among Individuals, Ages 21-35."

This survey research captured information about one segment of the New York City dance workforce; we designed it in partnership with the Bloustein Center for Survey Research (Rutgers University) to aggregate data on compensation—in dollars or other benefits—for work and contributions to the dance field in 2010.

An unofficial count of participants-- our sample-- is 1271 individuals: dance makers, performers, educators, managers, presenters, representatives, consultants, collaborators and writers ages 21-35 who worked in the field in New York City in 2010.  For more information, visit Census Headquarters.

Why we’re so excited: Previous groundbreaking studies commissioned by Dance/NYC posed related questions to dance-making entities. JComm's initiative has given voice to individuals directly via social media and grassroots activism— to fuel a conversation.

A few of our favorite words of support:

  • "When I first saw this, do you know what my first thoughts were? Hallelujah!"

  • "Amazing. It's about time!"

  • "You guys rock. That is all."

Next Steps. JComm meets monthly, with Dance/NYC, to further our goals to:

  • strengthen and unite a community of artists, managers and all stakeholders in dance

  • serve as a catalyst for innovation and invention in our work

  • re-energize our peer group in a challenging field

  • help Dance/NYC better serve our demographic

After seeing this research through careful analysis, JComm will publish findings that can inform decision-making on the part of peers, employers, and all advocates for dance. Subscribe to this blog to stay tuned.  We endeavor to empower our peers with information about working in dance in New York City that will help them to sustain long careers in the field.

As promised, we will bring your voices to the table in crafting the broader research now underway at Dance/NYC, and in laying plans for future services to the field. As you may know, Dance/NYC is a recipient of a Charles E. Culpeper Arts & Culture Grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and will undertake a field needs assessment, "State of NYC Dance," and a strategic plan to maximize Dance/NYC’s foundation of service. Read more.

Join this conversation. Be your own advocate.  All are welcome at a series of community conversations. These conversations kick off Dance/NYC's strategic planning effort and deepen the organization's understanding of field activity, need and opportunity.  Learn more.

We'll keep you posted.


Julia Kelly, together with Initiative Co-Managers Irfana Jetha and Benn Rasmussen, and the entire Dance/NYC Junior Committee

P.S. With questions, ideas, and to get involved, you can continue to email us about this initiative at jcommresearch@dancenyc.org.


*FAQs are HERE.

*More detailed information about this initiative is HERE.

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